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Kindergarten registration underway for 2023-24 school year

Kindergarten registration underway for 2023-24 school year

The Francis Howell School District (FHSD) has begun the process of registering students for the 2023-24 Kindergarten class. Missouri law states that students must be five years old before the first day of August to enroll in Kindergarten.

FHSD Kindergarten is a full-day, tuition-free program offered at 10 elementary schools.

The Kindergarten registration process requires proof of residency, student immunization records, student birth certificate or other document to verify birthdate and parent/guardian ID. For more information, review the Enrollment Checklist.

  1. Complete the District’s online registration application. It is very important to note your application number so the school can reference your information.
  2. Find your school with the school boundary locator tool.

3.      Contact your child’s school for further instructions to complete the school-specific paperwork. Each building has its own timeline and procedure listed below before school enrollment is complete.





Enrollment begins 1-9-23

Online only


Enrollment begins 1-9-23

Online only


Enrollment begins 1-12-23

1-12 or 3-10; no appt needed

Daniel Boone

Enrollment begins 1-17-23

Online or in-person by appt


Enrollment begins 2-22-23

4:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Harvest Ridge

Enrollment begins 2-27-23

4:45– 7:30 p.m. By appt only


Enrollment begins 2-1-23

in-person by appt 3-14-23 


Enrollment begins 1-9-23

Online only

John Weldon

Enrollment begins 1-9-23

Online only


Enrollment begins 3-1-23

Online or in-person by appt


  1. Schedule your child’s DIAL Developmental Screening. To make an appointment, please sign up through the registration form. For more information, visit the Developmental Screening page.
  2. Stay tuned for updates from your child’s school regarding the Kindergarten Summer Success program. Please note: Parents/guardians must have completed the District’s initial online registration application for your child and submitted all necessary documents to attend the program. Register for the Kindergarten Summer Success Program here.      

For more information about Kindergarten registration, please visit the District website.